Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

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  • munkery
    Dec 25, 01:21 PM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.

    Flu vaccines are very much like AV software for Mac. They both rely on fear, uncertainty, and doubt. H1N1 killed fewer people per year than the more typical strain of flu but the marketing hype made big business a lot of money.

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  • arcite
    Apr 7, 02:04 PM
    They only need like ~100,000.


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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:36 AM
    Did you ever define who is in your group?

    since no one split up, everyone is.
    we are just waiting for raven or chris to tell us if we found anything in the start room, and (with the caveat above) to know what happens when we enter the next room

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  • daneoni
    Apr 20, 06:19 AM
    iPhone 4S

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  • MacRumors
    Nov 2, 11:40 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/11/02/sophos-launches-free-anti-virus-software-for-mac-os-x/)


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  • jayhawk11
    May 4, 02:54 PM
    Why is everyone freaking out about re-installing the OS? Lion creates a recovery partition as part of the install process. If you need to reinstall, just reboot and hold down option...pick the recovery partition and voila.

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  • coder12
    Mar 28, 11:09 AM
    It's important that Apple starts to devote some serious time to it's operating systems as well. I don't see any major drawbacks to delaying any potential new hardware introductions.

    I'm feeling the same way on this. I want Gingerbread and HPre OS to lust after iOS again!

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  • yadmonkey
    May 6, 04:03 AM
    I'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.

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  • amac4me
    Sep 15, 04:27 PM
    It's very logical that updated MacBook Pro's will be announced. The current MacBook Pro's are referred to by Apple as "Early 2006".

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  • LoganT
    Mar 26, 10:18 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    I'm not really sure Apple cares about your school district.

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  • talkingfuture
    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    That cash mountain that Apple have must be really useful for this kind of thing.

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  • Durendal
    May 6, 12:23 AM
    This is a non-story, folks. Charlie is well-known as a professional troll who is regularly full of crap.

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  • corywoolf
    Aug 4, 01:08 AM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 03:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    No, apple will stop at nothing to destroy the JB "community".

    Ok Darth Vader. PS: What you let happen to Alderaan was jacked up.

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  • OdduWon
    Sep 15, 05:22 PM
    single 3ghz woodcrest MBP's next tuesday? drool..........

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  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 02:28 PM
    Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)

    HA ha! Guess what my first new car was (when i turned 17)...an 05' Scion TC.

    The thing was underpowered, not great fuel econ, a fuel injection sensor went bad at 30k miles, the window motors got really slow quickly, the dash looked like Kabul after a while, and of course as soon as i bought one...so did everyone else. It was a happy happy day when I got a used SAAB:) Sorry for the rant...SCIONS are just crappy cars...but i guess you get what you pay for :p

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  • jessica.
    May 7, 09:54 AM
    What they need is tier level pricing. Those who wish to only use the features of say Find My iWhatever can choose just that, storage + e-mail, e-mail, etc.

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  • adbe
    Mar 29, 02:48 PM
    Or perhaps the entire debacle at Foxconn has fallen on deaf ears?

    Foxconn is Taiwanese.

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  • kalsta
    May 3, 08:08 PM
    Adopting the metric system doesn't mean other more informal units of measurement will disappear from popular usage. In Australia you order a schooner or middy of beer. In some pubs it's a pint. Teaspoons won't suddenly disappear from your kitchen or your recipes. Fear not.

    Sep 10, 11:24 PM
    I expect all of the above. Why not? Apple's on a roll now. Keep the steamroller rolling. :)

    Plus the Mid-Tower Conroe Mac I think.

    Apr 7, 10:58 AM
    Ehh, purposeful or not (as a sabotage)...not good news for iPad competition:( Which isnt good news for us iPad users...Apple needs constant pressure to release revolutionary products.

    The iPod hasn't see ANY competition in the past 10 years and they seem to be doing fine with pushing that product line.

    Sep 11, 02:35 AM
    I really hope we get those MBP updates... even if they just "appear" tomorrow morning without an announcement :D

    2 GB movies about as fast as apple can serve them here... if I use my "office connection." Think the DOE would mind my borrowing a little bandwidth for a while? ;)

    Apr 25, 11:33 AM
    Even if we take SJ at his word (stupid idea, I know). The fact remains that Apple does store the database of all your moves on the phone and PC for eternity thus preserving the capability to access it any time they want. This is clearly a very bad idea any way you look at it.

    Putting on SJ hat:

    "You are all idiots anyways"

    Sent from my iPhone

    May 6, 06:08 AM
    What uncanny timing-- a couple of days after Intel comes out with their 3D chip thing, sending ARM's share price tumbling to artificially affordable prices, this rumour comes out which, if widely accepted, would boost ARM's share price greatly. Someone could potentially make a lot of money out of this. Especially as Semiaccurate's sources are anonymous, I reckon this rumour should be treated with great scepticism.

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