Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

lady gaga tattoos born this way

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  • lady gaga born this way

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 6, 12:52 PM
    A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).

    But that's when modern SSD's do a lot of their housekeeping, stuff like garbage collection. So as SSD's get faster and more advanced you might see the idle power drain get higher.

    lady gaga tattoos born this way. Lady Gaga Born This Way Song:
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Song:

  • thunng8
    Apr 8, 06:53 PM
    CPU isn't the only thing that changed. AMD 6750M (~30W) has higher TDP than NVidia GT 330M (~23W). I had to put ~ because their TDPs are not officially stated by AMD or NVidia so it's just based on previous GPUs and their TDPs. The point is that AMD 6750M has higher TDP.

    330M is slightly underclocked, so that 23W would be a bit lower. However, the test where it was 40W higher was a CPU benchmark. It would have not stressed the GPU.

    I guess we will have to wait and see, but an ULV in 13" would be more than a disappointment.

    It would mean ~50% drop in frame rates for games.

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  • Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 08:43 PM
    No because heterosexuality is the default way the brain works

    Isn't it all hormonal mishaps in the womb? Does your God control that? If so, he is predisposing people to sin, and isn't that unfair that not all are exposed to that disposition?

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  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Tattoo

  • Blasterzilla
    Apr 27, 08:24 AM
    Great, glad Apple did something. Hope we can all move on now to bigger and better things.

    Thanks again Apple.

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  • Lady Gaga “Born This Way”

  • Alx9876
    Apr 6, 01:27 PM
    What a joke of a tablet. Nothing but a piece of crap.

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  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Tattoo

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 11, 03:26 PM
    Does Arn write every single article on this forum?

    No, my guess is Eric Slivka is on vacation or something. He writes the majority of MR articles unless arn specifically wanted to take that over.

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  • lady gaga born this way tattoo

  • JackSYi
    Aug 27, 01:02 PM
    Bring on the 13.3 inch MacBook Pro.

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  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Tattoo

  • amccune
    Apr 12, 09:13 AM
    I think the User's Group meeting isn't until 4:30, so we are in for a wait...

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  • Lady Gaga

  • kavika411
    Mar 24, 02:10 PM
    Where did I make that statement? :confused:

    Fair enough. Let's do it this way. Why did you inject "WASP" into a conversation about racism? What point were you making about a "vast majority of WASPs" comprising conservatives. Last time I checked, your injection into the conversation was to defend rdowns supposition that those against Obama are against him because of his "color."

    Are you saying that the conservatives' broader strategy for opposing liberals in congress is totally unrelated to their (disingenuous) opposition to intervention in Libya? That's quite rich.

    I wish I were, but alas, I believe my comment was rather straight forward - very few words even. But I'll rephrase: It is asinine to hide behind accusations of racism against people who disagree with Obama on his ongoing and new military campaigns. I believe that is as straightforward as I know how to be, but feel free to respond with another question that is both rhetorical and a red herring to what was being discussed.

    I don't see why I should try to find a link that supports your mischaracterization of my statements.

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  • lady gaga born this way

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 04:46 PM

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    As for the rest of the stuff:

    1) Time Machine--cool name for a cool idea. However, I use a Powerbook, and my External HD is in another room. It's not connected all the time. I wonder how this setup will work? And like others, I initially thought "System Restore," but then I realized how different this is, and how Useful. But how far back can you go? I have files on my computer that are almost 10 years old....Will time machine be able to find stuff that was deleted years ago (I do mean AFTER time Machine is installed...I obviously don't expect it to find stuff deleted before TM was installed).

    2) Mail. To-Do implementation looks neat, and themes might be fun for a Christmas letter. But I really don't care about HTML mail.

    3) iChat. "Share the Screen" looks awesome, if it works well. So does being able to do a slideshow while chatting with someone...

    4) Spaces. I've gotten so used to Expose, I can't see Virtual desktops being that big a deal to me. But It's a good feature for those who want it.

    5) Dashboard. From the previews, it seems like Dashcode will be available as part of the OS?

    6) Spotlight. Over-the-network searches sound great.

    7) iCal. More networking features are great, but most of my friends/coworkers have PCs, so moot point for me.

    8) Accessibilty: See above about Closed Captioning. Anything that helps Hearing impaired users is great.

    9) 64-bit. Kind of Obvious?

    10) Core Animation: Will my 1.67 G4 Powerbook be able to utilize this in any way?

    Overall, great Keynote, I thought. the only people that should be disappointed are the ones claiming all kinds of crazy stuff, as always.

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  • Lady Gaga shows of her tattoos

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 10:48 AM
    Why do you conflate homosexuality with abuse and paedophilia?
    I'm not conflating them. See post 129.

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s New Album Title

  • Number 41
    Apr 6, 04:24 PM
    If you bought 2 Xooms would you have a Mazda?

    That's fantastic.

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  • lady gaga born this way tattoo

  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 06:10 PM
    I don't think that's the market Apple wants. They already have the #1 selling smart phone. They make more profit than all competitors combined off of the iPhone. The Cell phone market is very fluid and Apple knows it just has to keep producing the coolest and more desired phone and they will always have a decent share of the market and make tons of money.

    in the mean time, Moto, Samsung, HTC, LG and others all battle it out with the same OS and dropping prices to get market share. A race to the bottom strategy that I'm not sure will last forever.

    All Apple needs to do is keep the "coolness" coming. Reward us with nice iOS updates and keep us happy with the best support in the market.

    You may be right here -- but it would not hurt to seed the younger generation with iPhones before they get too accustomed to their cheaper Android phones.

    lady gaga tattoos born this way. tags: lady gaga born this way
  • tags: lady gaga born this way

  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:43 PM
    Noob you think you know a lot, but you obviously don't. I work in the cell industry creating software for mobile phones. I have had EVERY major US carrier and as recently as the beginning of this year I've done testing of the big 4 (VZW, Sprint, Cingular, T-Mo) and I can tell you that the coverage differs greatly amongst them. Congrats on your great coverage with T-Mo. As someone who regularly travels in the Midwest, Toronot area, and San Jose, I can most assuredly tell you that T-Mo Coverage != Cingular coverage everywhere.

    Oh, and I doubt the coverage map for T-Mobile is in error in GA, FL, and other states when nearly the entire state is NOT COVERED on their own coverage map.


    Well, to be fair, your radio ROM/software can have some effect on your reception, and different companies release different radio software at different times, and that can have some effect.

    My 8125 has a t-mobile radio ROM, but I run it on cingular. There are a few wrinkles in that, but you are generally correct.

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  • gets Lady+gaga+tattoos

  • wizz0bang
    Jul 15, 11:25 AM
    I like your line of thinking. You know, what if Apple just released 4 Mac Pro models? Or offered 2 Mac Pro models and 2 iMac Pro models. The bottom two could have Conroe chips and the top two could have 2 x Woodcrest chips. Perhaps have an ever so slight case design difference between the two (i.e. slightly smaller on the low end or charcoal black on the upper end). Because, when you think of it, "prosumers" who already own a display are faced with a difficult buying decision with the current lineup.

    That would be a good lineup: two Minis, two iMacs, two Macs, two MacPros. Perhaps then the spread from $1499 for a base model conroe Mac to a $3299 or even $3599 for a premo dual-woodcrest 3GHz MacPro would seem plausible? I really like having a Mac desktop option before stepping up to the MacPro (with a smaller format). Right now the iMac is your only option in a certain range.

    I agree with another poster too, having both models silent would be most excellent!

    lady gaga tattoos born this way. Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+
  • Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • aaronb
    Sep 19, 10:58 AM
    The fastest?

    If that were the case, no one here would be complaining...

    Fastest in terms of the fastest notebook that Apple offers.

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  • He was orn that way.

  • themoonisdown09
    Apr 12, 07:07 AM
    I just choked on my own vomit. I really want a new iPhone this summer.

    lady gaga tattoos born this way. a Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+
  • a Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 04:08 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.
    What sjo wrote seem quite accurate. Cells are extremly common here. It has become so common that cellphones nowdays are almost considered as a anti-status symbol. Poor people cant "afford" a land line.
    Many like me, have multiple contracts. Our old contracts, used to be roll-over type. Hence, a lot of people have many minutes left on their old contracts. They pay a small fee to keep the old contract alive and then use these minutes when they travel in abroad (expensive to call). Then they have a new contract that allows you to talk very cheap within a/some countries. These minutes are not roll-over type.
    As you can see, we have a big mess too when it comes to contracts. I wish I could keep one phone and one number, but right now that is financially insane.

    lady gaga tattoos born this way. Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+
  • Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • chasemac
    Aug 7, 05:07 PM
    Time Machine won't mean much when the HD fails. Back that azz up!

    Mar 25, 10:52 PM
    Whatever happened to:
    Alpha -> Beta -> Release Candidate -> Golden Master

    I guess I can uncross my fingers of a file system miracle...

    (yes I know and am looking forward to Z410, but would rather have Apple come up with something).

    Jul 31, 12:17 PM
    I've built a gaming PC around the Core 2 Duo E6700. I'd like to be able to install OS X on it, because the only reason why I'd ever use Windows is for the latest games. Here are the spec's, think this would run OS X nicely? ;-)

    Intel 975XBX Motherboard
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 (should overclock to around 3.2 to 3.5 GHz with my Zalman CNPS9500 AT air cooler)
    ATI Crossfire x1900 (crossfire master card)
    Sapphire ATI x1900xt (in crossfire)
    1GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2 800 Memory
    2 x 320GB Seagate Perpendicular Recording SATA2 HD's in RAID 1
    Antec Trupower II 550 watt power supply
    Antec P180 case in black

    ... keep in mind I am a diehard Mac fan, but I've always wanted to build a gaming rig since I'm a hardcore gamer. After all, I'm writing this entry on my MacBook Pro. Mmmmm.

    You should have waited for a Mac Pro. By hacking OS X to run on your custom built machine, you're constantly going to have to deal with a buggy Mac OS. There's no doubt that with every OS update, Apple will try to disable your hacked copy, if not fry your OS X installation. Make sure you partition...

    I'm a gamer too and I'm just sitting on my hands waiting for a Mac Pro. Sure, it may be more expensive than a custom-built Intel machine, but it will run OS X like a charm, and that's ultimately the most important factor in my computer purchase. But access to Windows games and Mac OS X, that's a dream come true for this mac fanatic. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that virtualization makes big enough strides that I never have to leave OS X to play Windows-based games.

    Aug 27, 05:19 PM
    hmmm... the funny part is that it's been done to death.* that's the bit.* i guess you don't see it as funny.* ever heard of a reoccuring joke with a little aphormism mixed in?

    But that's the problem. The joke was that it was done to death...... but THAT part has been done to death too, which is why most people no longer find it to be all that funny.

    I'm happy that some people still seem to be able to find humor in it, but that doesn't mean that the people who no longer find it to be funny just don't "get it". It just means that the lifespan of this joke has long since passed for many people.

    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

    Then it would be a frivolous lawsuit and it would be dismissed.

    So, there really isn't a point buddy. :D

    Aug 17, 01:43 AM
    lol you mac folk and your photoshop :D
    let's get some game benchmarks :rolleyes:

    A lot of folks are waiting for game benchmarks...bring 'em on!

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